Hi, my name is Ostynn T. Ostrich . . .
and I'm the star of a new book called Ostynn the Ostrich and the Fantasy of Flight. It's a great
story for all ages about my journey of self-discovery!
As you know, Ostriches are known for having their heads in the sand. But as part of my amazing change,
I saw myself objectively, a Spark lit within me, I pulled my head out of the sand, and now have my sights set very high.
My story is a metaphor for how we limit ourselves based on our beliefs but are balanced with the infinite potential that
lies within and I can't think of a better place to begin sharing my story and spreading my message in this election year than Washington D.C.!
There are a lot of characters in Washington and, since I am obviously one as well, I feel I would fit right in.
Who is better qualified than me, Ostynn the Ostrich and my Ostynn "T. Party," to share such an inspiring story with
our Government in Washington about seeing ourselves objectively, getting our heads out of the sand, and soaring this country to new heights!
I feel it should be obvious, if you only use your "Left Wing" or you only use your "Right Wing" to try and fly,
you will end up going around in circles. Even an Ostrich knows IT TAKES TWO WINGS TO FLY! Because of the craziness
of this presidential election year and the timing of this great political opportunity, I am announcing the launch of
a campaign called Ostynn for America to spread my message!
We all want to see positive change, and there is no better place to share this story than WASHINGTON D.C. and there
is no better time than NOW! I encourage you to share this with your friends, and follow our campaign on Facebook and our website.
We appreciate your help and support in getting our message out.
Thank you!
Ostynn T. Ostrich